Best game ever

Canción con letra para practicar.


My wish

Video por cortesia de youtube,

Saludos, Antonio gómez Rojas.



Vocabulary Unit 5

The jobs in the world.

- architect = arquitecto
- cashier = cajero
- chef = cocinero
- coach = entrenador
- firefighter = bombero
- flight attendandt = azafata
- lawyer = abogado
- plumber = fontanero
- soldier = soldado
- surgeon = ciriujano
- tour guide = guía turístico
- vet = veterinario

Saludos... Manu Mesa

New Grammar.


Will: offers, promises and decisions.

Take note!

We can use will to make an offer or promise. Podemos usar will para hacer una oferta o promesa.

" We left the leaflets at home"
" I´ll go and get them"
" It´s the peace march tomorrow"
" I won´t forget"

We can use will to make an instant decision. Podemos usar will para hacer una propuesta de futuro instantánea.

"I´ll have a mushroom pizza, please"
" I know! I´ll send him an email"

*Example of exercise:

page 56 - Unit 6 - exercise nº5

They will sing 1.
The cat will jump 2.
Number 67 won´t win 3.
My friends won´t enjoy their dinner 4.
The man will be happy 5.
She will meet her friends 6.